About the Consultancy
This is a small-scale consultancy with the aim of building positive and long-lasting engagements.
Recent engagements have been mostly in the public sector and utilities where the focus has been on large-scale service redesign, strategy and the implementation of strategic aims. This has been in combination with proactive roles in technology deployments, especially those roles concerning impact on the business. All of this has been under a core umbrella of introducing mixed methods concepts into service industries, including utilities.
The different requirements found within each client indicates the need for tailored engagements, not packaged solutions. It is that tailoring in which the consultancy is focused; whether it’s tailoring a methodology, a framework, a concept or COTS (Commercial-Off-The-Shelf) software applications.
Skills that aren’t found within the consultancy can be obtained from trusted consultants, the list of which is growing regularly.
About Alan Ward

Alan Ward
Alan is a director and managing consultant at Award Sounds, specialising in troubleshooting. The core focus for the last few years has been in integrating multiple design methods and concepts into a workable solution for use with large organisations. This has resulted in a method for the discovery and implementation of new ideas whether based on new ICT systems or redesigned services. Alan’s background before entering the freelance market was working for and with big name consultancies and business process outsourcers working for clients who are household names. This experience was across a number of sectors, but predominantly:
- public sector (local and central government)
- telco (mobile, direct and indirect)
- utilities (gas, water and electricity)
Alan started his career in software methodology at a time when Object Oriented Analysis and Design was taking hold. Alan has performed every role within the typical software development lifecycle and actually enjoyed most of them. A significant portion of that time was spent as a lead business analyst/consultant successfully implementing CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems and the necessary integration to back-office systems. Alan also implemented speech recognition, intranet sites, email analysis & response software, EDRMS (Electronic Document and Records Management systems) usually as the lead analyst. However, Alan’s career was increasingly spent at the business end, translating their needs into solutions that worked for them, whatever the failings of the ICT system being implemented. This led Alan to specialise a number of years ago in facilitating clients in solving their business problems, not technical problems.