Tag: customer journey

Strategy, Architecture & Problem-Solving


Customer vs Enterprise Perspective

Here’s a quick exercise on perspective, scope and how we view problems.  How big is your enterprise? Follow that question with these two questions: How big is it compared to the size of your organisation? How big is it compared to the size of your team? That’s the internal focus.  Now let’s try a different…
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Your Customers’ Problems Are Your Problems

I’m writing a new book, this will be my second*. I’d written a couple of chapters last week, one of which focussed on how organisations leave problems for the customers to resolve, but that they don’t think of it that way. In one chapter, I used the example of “Warning. Hot Water.” signs, stipulating that…
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Ladder of citizen participation

Where Organisations Go Wrong

A lot happened in 1969. The moon landing, Led Zeppelin was released (the first LZ album), the maiden flight of the Boeing 747, and a paper by Sherry Arnstein. It’s difficult to say which is the most important of those above, but Arnstein’s paper is probably the least famous. Context I frequently speak with directors…
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What's the emotional content of your customer journey maps?

What’s the Emotional Content of Your Customer Journey Maps?

I’ve previously discussed the inclusion of a dormant state and a return loop when reflecting on the fact that the Customer Journey Never Ends. You can include a further extension of the customer journey maps by showing proximity or emotional state. Focus on the Emotional State Typical customer journey maps (or diagrams) depict activities and…
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Signs by I Am Fry under by-nd 2.0

The Customer Journey Never Ends

I’m reminded of the phrase “a dog is for life, not just for Christmas”. Similarly, as soon as an organisation starts a relationship with a customer, they’re stuck with that relationship. Many organisations design customer journeys but think from their own perspective rather than that of the customer. That’s a mistake but one that can…
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Be The Customer

Be The Customer

Introduction I really believe in getting customer input, especially before you build you product or service. Lean Six Sigma includes the concept as part of Voice of Customer, Lean Startup and similar methods include the concept within Customer Development. If you work for an existing organisation that currently delivers products/services rather than a start-up, sometimes…
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