Tag: business model

Strategy, Architecture & Problem-Solving


Exclusive Relationships

Have you considered the exclusivity of your relationships? This follows on from the post regarding the value of the data and the priority attached to the relationship or the data. I want to further explore the value of the relationship and shine some light on a different approach. The Scenario It’s the same scenario as…
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Direction of Travel for Gym Business Models

New Year, New Gym, New Business Model

The business of gyms is an odd one. It’s full of business principles from the 1970s with a thin veneer of customer service from the 1990s. What’s the modern approach? Let’s look at the typical issues with modern gym memberships. If you search on a few review sites or social media, you’ll commonly see a…
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The Value Affix – Xtech and Why I’m Fed Up with Tech part 2

I wrote in the previous article that we don’t need a separate xtech for any given sector x. Abstracting further, the focus should be on the customer, not the technology. We see healthtech, fintech and insuretech which indicate the use of new technologies to improve existing or introduce new business models. But technology is just…
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xTech – Part 1 – Why I’m fed up with tech

xtech for Sector x Fintech is challenging the Finance sector Insurtech is challenging the Insurance sector Healthtech is challenging the Health sector Will we see Techtech challenging the Tech sector? And since new technology is developed every month and every year, would we be looking at a Techtechtech sector in a decade? It’s seems ludicrous…
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