Process Mapping Fundamentals – Introducing Subprocesses Part 2

Strategy, Architecture & Problem-Solving

Process Mapping Fundamentals – Introducing Subprocesses Part 2

If you look at the Pay for Book process-step in the top row of the above image, you’ll notice I’ve included a small image of the Pay for Book process. The use of colours is just to help me show how the processes fit together here. It’s incredibly rare to have the process and the more detailed process on the same page. In fact, I can’t ever remember doing that apart from when I’m showing the relationships between processes in articles such as this one.

I mentioned that the Process Starts and Process Ends are the glue because the detailed process (the lower one in the above diagram) should be able to fit into the main process (the upper one in the above diagram). It should do this without overlapping into any other process steps. Choose Book will also have its own detailed process map.

Here’s an incorrect example highlighting Choose Book and Pay For Book.

That Choose Book process relates to the Choose Book process step. Actually, maybe I should state that the Choose Book process is the Choose Book process step. It’s the same thing, just different views of it. One view shows more detail than the other.

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